The purpose of naming is to identify a person, animal, place, or thing. Ironically, most of the time, names aren’t unique at all. There are 33 Springfields in the United States, making it one of the country’s most common city name.

Do these Springfields have anything in common because they share the same name? This video draws upon the concept of the franchise-able American town.

Every American town seems to have the same core parts. Even to those not from the United States, these neighborhoods feel familiar. Street-corners, gas stations, houses, are things you’ve probably seen elsewhere—maybe from a childhood home, maybe from TV. 

It may be physically impossible to export architecture, but it is possible to export ideas. Post-war United States exported it’s suburban way of life, resulting in the adoption of American architecture, products, and culture across the globe. Ideas can manifest anywhere, in the form of monuments, cities, or communities. It wouldn’t be surprising if Springfields existed outside the United States.